Results Found (102)
Preparing for Christmas
Something you can count on – and we hope you will! – is that it’s about this time of the year that excitement builds everywhere for Christmas. We see it in decorations at home and abroad, in commercials (of course), in theatres – even on Main Street. In fact – especially as Americans – it’s…
Weird Values
In 1050, the Chinese started using a primitive compass to aid in navigation. Sure, Leif Erickson may have used ravens for navigation, but it was haphazard and required a lot of birdseed. But the compass revolutionized man’s exploration of the globe. Now, here’s the funny thing: the compass, which operates on the magnetic field of…
Weird updates
[caption id="attachment_893" align="alignleft" width="360"] We got really weird at Grace![/caption] We started the Weird Series on October 13th with the intention of rallying Grace around the flagpole of being different from the world’s version of normal, not just because it’s normal doesn’t work, but because it’s not obedient to God’s commands. My intention…
Living the Weird Life
On the eve of the Weird Teaching series, it may be strange, but I am gleaning some great ancillary benefit not only from the book we’re reading as a church, but also – and here’s the strange part – a quote attributed to American business scholar W. Edwards Deming: “Every system is perfectly designed to…
The Newsletter is Gone! Long Live the Blog!
Welcome to the Blog! Wait – What happened to the newsletter? In late July/early August, with Lendell Nolan leaving Grace (and Sean taking on responsibility for the web page, the Class 401 team, and needing to concentrate on Developing Leaders), it became apparent that I needed something LESS time consuming like doing lay-out editing on…
Evolution Delayed!
(note: I know I started a series based on my evolution of discipleship, but I’ve since had to put it on the back burner because , first, I was getting set for a sermon, and second, I am also preparing for the Marriage Retreat. BUT I just saw this and had to share!) This morning,…
My Evolution of Discipleship 1/3
I used to have a “drug” problem. Every child in my family did. Dad and mom were leaders in their churches, so we got “drug” to church every time the doors were open: Sunday morning before anyone got there, Sunday lunches, frequent evening meetings, Wednesday night prayer, and Christmas – lots more practices and services.…
Communion Meditation
If you come to Grace, you know that we serve communion (or the Lord’s Supper) every Sunday. And before we – as a group – practice the corporate discipline (or Sacrament if you desire) of Communion, we have brief thought by one of the pastors. Some may ask a couple of things: First, why do…
The Question That We Must Keep Asking
Hear the words of the Prophet Isaiah from Isaiah 53: Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,…
I Just Love Problems!
One of the hard parts of discipleship is that God develops character in is by not avoiding problems but teaching us to get through them with Him. I think that’s why James wrote in James 1:2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that…